Theses (Laurea, PhD)


Argomenti di Tesi di Laurea Triennali e Magistrali/
Bachelor and Master Thesis Subject



Italian flyer

English flyer


Research Projects for the PhD in Physics

-  Experimental and theoretical study of the dynamics of: I) one-component plasmas, confined in a Malmberg-Penning trap (ELTRAP), and II) low energy electron beams.

-  Chaos and coherent structures in plasmas and fluids.

- Development of Vlasov and particle-in-cell numerical simulation codes for the analysis of the dynamics of plasmas, fluids and charged particle beams.

- Complex plasmas: theory and simulation of dusty plasma dynamics, design of production and confinement machines.

- Thermonuclear plasmas: transport phenomena, heating and current generation, diagnostic modelling and data analysis.

For general information about the PhD program and admission see the webpage of the Doctorate School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics. We strongly encourage students to apply, we are looking for people to strengthen our group and research! Please write us for information (mail addresses are given in the flyers, upper in this page).